Online Internship from Cognizavest(Creativity)

I did an online internship at Cognizavest which is based in Surat. I found this internship on Instagram. The internship was about Clinical psychology which was for 4 hours per day which is 120 hours. The purpose of doing this internship was to get exposure in this field and it is also my career option so it will be beneficial for me. The duration date was from 15 November 2021 to 15 December 2021.

In this experience, the learning outcome is LO 2, Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. It was somewhat challenging for me because some of the topics were difficult for me to understand as I was not familiar with them. I have done something similar while I was self-studying about introduction to clinical psychology. I overcome this challenge by asking doubts and getting cleared by my mentor and by completing the daily assignments which were given by the teacher. It is important for me to undertake this challenge because it will help me in taking up challenges and become a risk-taker rather than giving up the challenge. I developed critical thinking skills during this activity by understanding real-life examples and connecting them to my real life, also how different people have different dysfunctions and disorders in their daily life. This skill will be useful in future as there will be a lot of situations where I have to think critically and make decisions or advise people or solve their problems. I also developed communication skills while I conducted a seminar on one of the topics with my classmate, also when discussions and debates would happen my communication skills were getting developed.

LO 4, Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. This activity made me difficult where commitment was necessary because the educator used to give us everyday tasks with their deadlines, it was difficult for me to meet the deadlines, but because this would reflect on my learning and report card I tried my best to complete the tasks on time. I was committed to completing my internship because it was my interest and I wanted to learn more about the topic/subject.

The learner profile I developed in this activity is, Principled, There were some real-life experiments that we had to conduct as a learner, there I was honest with the result and the conducting process. I was honest and showed integrity throughout my one-month internship which results in my report card. This activity will be benefit for my clients and patients who have diagnosed with any kind of disorder or syndrome so, as a clinical psychologist I can help them. This activity is linked to my subject which is psychology, we also have one unit regarding this topic. I am going to apply the learning from this activity in my life by becoming a clinical psychologist and using the knowledge while practicing my job. I am going to apply this learning in future when I do my bachelors and masters also when I start my practice in the field of psychology, this basic knowledge will help me in my career.

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