CAS Reflection – Charity tree planting

Aryan Ramsha

As we all know these days there’s a lot of cutting of trees occurring in order to make new buildings and develop the infrastructure of the city, but what we don’t know is that it causes a lot of problems like climate change, soil erosion, desertification, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and many more. CAS in grades 11 and 12 gave me the opportunity to do something for the environment hence I participated in the Econova tree plantation event. Econova is a non – profit organization that seeks the betterment of the environment and enlightens people for a noble cause. This event includes all three elements of CAS, creativity, activity, and service. My role was to plant as many trees as I wanted and make artworks on the wall that showed the importance of planting trees. Planting trees was new to me and I enjoyed doing it but what made me even happier was that it was happening for a good cause and helped both the environment as well as an NGO. This experience also aligns with the sustainable goals 13 and 15 that are climate action and life on land.

LO2:- The most challenging part of this event was that everything was new to me, this was my first time planting any kind of tree so it was new to me and I had to learn how to do any of it. I feel great about overcoming this challenge as there might be instances in the future where I might have to plant trees so learning this was very helpful and fun. I think it is very important to undertake new challenges because it makes us stronger mentally by gaining more confidence in ourselves.

LO5:- Working collaboratively for me is an easy task as I tend to gel up with new people quickly this made working with others while planting very easy as we all had to plant many trees, so working in a group made it very easy for us. It is very important for being able to work with others as it might help us in many different types of situations in which many people are required to do the same task. Teamwork was very important in this case as in order to plant the trees fast we had to work in a team hence teamwork was very important for the event.

LO6:- The global issues that we are facing and tried to contribute to its extinction were climate action and life on land. These were the two SDGs that were in focus. These two goals are very important for the world that we live in as achieving these goals would make our planet a better, clean, and sustainable place to live in. Knowing about these issues can be very beneficial for people as they’ll also want to contribute to these problems because these problems are for the betterment of our planet and not just one person. Now that I’m aware of this issue I will try to stop it everywhere I can see it happening and my work in this CAS activity helped a little towards overcoming this issue and making our world a better place to live in.

My takeaways from this CAS experience were that it turns out that I had a lot of fun doing something which I never would’ve imagined doing in the first place and second of all what made it even better was that all of it happened for a better cause, one learner profile attribute that I showcased while this event was communicator as I had to talk to new people while planting trees and us working together in a team made it very frequent for us to talk, hence I showcased the learner profile communicator. Completing this activity gave me a sense of satisfaction knowing that it was for a noble cause it also included me having a lot of fun.

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