IP MUN ( International Peace Modern United Nations.)

IP MUN stands for Modern United Nations. It consists of delegated who represents different countries in different committees. Each committee has been curated with the idea of engaging the delegates in the most riveting manner. These are places where individuals are challenged and groomed, not just as humanitarians but as successful men and women. To a […]

Volunteering for Swappers stop. (Creativity and Service)

Swappers stop was an event organized by the Business management and economics team. The event focused on promoting environmental sustainability. The event was based on swapping good quality goods which are not in use and can be swapped by other students. The event included sustainable decorations, sustainable invitations, food, music, and stalls for swapping items. […]

CAS – CREATIVITY – Course in basic graphic design

Last month I finished a free online course from Great learning, where I learned about the basics of Graphic design. This was a progress-based course, and I learned many new things which will help me in the future, knowing that I want to pursue something in the arts field. L1 – Identify own strengths and […]