Donating money and spending time with underprivileged kids

We live in the 21st century where everyone is so involved in their own lives, we often tend to forget about our surroundings and the people around us. Hence I took up the opportunity to spend my time with orphan kids and donate money to the orphanage so that the orphans are provided with better education, food, bed, and other basic needs a kid needs.

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The issues were the kids were abandoned by their birth parents and were not getting the proper love, affection, or attention that kids need from their parents to foster growth and become an individual how much can 5-6 adults provide parental guidance to 80-100 orphans? They need to be nurtured in a kid and growth-friendly atmosphere to become better human beings, I know this because I’ve been raised in a certain atmosphere that has helped me become who I am as an individual and make my place in this society. Hence in order to increase personal growth the kids had to meet different people and learn about them and giving personal attention will help them. Doing this activity helped me find my inner peace and discover happiness in little things.

Hence spending time with orphan kids and donating money for the same helped me understand the value of money, find happiness in the little things around me and understand the importance of parents which helped me value everything I own or have.

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