CAS project- IPMUN

As part of the organising team , I played a key role in the planning and execution of the event, I was the under secretary general. My main responsibilities included coordinating with faculty advisors, organizing fundraising efforts, and managing the participant registration process. I learned a lot about event planning, teamwork and leadership. I gained skills in project management, communication and problem solving. These skills will be valuable in future academic and professional endeavors. 

Creativity played a key role in my role as Under-Secretary-General. I was responsible for creating engaging and relevant simulations that reflected real-world challenges and problems. This included researching and selecting topics, creating scenarios, and designing activities that encouraged informed and thoughtful discussion. We were able to use our creativity to create engaging, relevant, and impactful simulations.

Activities are also an important aspect of my involvement with MUN. Organizing such a large-scale event required a high degree of organization, attention to detail, and the ability to handle multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously. From coordinating with attendees and staff to managing logistics and resources, I was always on the move to ensure everything ran smoothly and efficiently.

Service was an important part of her involvement with MUN. As Under-Secretary-General, I was responsible for ensuring that all participants had a positive and impactful experience. This includes providing support and guidance to participants, raising concerns and issues that arise, and fostering a culture of respect, inclusion and collaboration. Through this process, I was able to develop a strong sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility.

LO 1:

One of my strengths as Under Secretary General is my ability to be organised and efficient. With this strength, I should make sure everything is planned in advance, including the logistics of my event, including: Venues, Food and Beverages, Ingredients and Techniques. I also made sure all attendees have the necessary information about the event, such as rules, Procedures and Expectations. Another strength I have is good communication skills. This helps when coordinating with other members of the hosting team, attendees, volunteers, and external parties such as sponsors and partners so the event runs smoothly.

LO 2:

At first, it was frustrating when the person in charge didn’t finish their work, so I did everything myself. We also asked if they were satisfied with the work they were doing. That’s when I realized I made a mistake. My weakness was the inability to delegate and collaborate across teams. I have learned to trust people in their work, share roles and responsibilities fairly, and encourage them to work hard. My strength has always been planning and execution, but leadership was a new skill for me.

It has always been difficult for me to work with others because I have a very different perspective on how to work. But during IPMUN, I realized that there are ways to persuade people to agree, open their minds and listen to ideas. Because that’s what makes me a good leader.

LO 3:

I took the initiative and planned ahead to make sure the meeting ran smoothly. This includes identifying potential challenges and developing strategies to address them, such as I have a busy schedule and have different ideas about how to run the meeting, so I coordinate with my faculty advisor. But we were able to work together effectively and communicate clearly to make sure everyone was on the same page. It was to make sure we had enough money to cover. Organized a series of fundraising activities such as bake sales and car washes and was able to raise enough money to cover the costs. 

LO 4:

Organizing a Model United Nations (MUN) as Under-Secretary-General requires collaboration with others. It’s important to build a team of staff and volunteers who can work together to keep your event running smoothly and reach your goals. One of the first steps in collaboration is to clearly define roles and responsibilities. It is important to delegate tasks based on the strengths and expertise of her members of the team. This ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal and avoids misunderstandings and conflicts. Effective communication is also essential to collaboration. It’s important to set up clear communication channels between team members to regularly update progress and plan for change. In addition to building a strong team, working with external partners is also important. This includes working with venues, sponsors or other organisations to ensure the event is well supported and has the resources necessary for success, Moreover it is important to create a positive and inclusive environment for all team her members and participants so that everyone feels heard and we all made sure that all the OC members knew how important their help was for the event.

LO 5:

One of my most important experiences is organizing events. It’s always fun to be on the event planning committee, but this time I wanted to be part of the core committee. I wasn’t very experienced with their MUN. I participated as a one-day volunteer. I was immediately appointed under Secretary General. We decided to distinguish this MUN from other MUNs because everyone on the core committee shared our vision. We have done our best to ensure the success of IPMUN. In addition to the delegates, my personal contribution was public relations and the smooth running of the event. As under Secretary General , I had to manage the venue and work with all the OC members to make this MUN a success. Working with and delegating with a group of teenagers my age was a daunting task.

LO 6:

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment was very important for the MUN to run smoothly. Creating engaging and relevant simulations that reflect real-world challenges and problems. This includes choosing timely and important topics and providing participants with the tools and resources they need to participate in meaningful and productive discussions.

LO 7:

One of the most important ethical considerations when organizing MUN is to ensure that all participants are treated with dignity and respect. This includes creating a safe and inclusive environment free of discrimination, harassment or other forms of harmful behavior. It is important to establish clear policies and protocols to address any concerns or issues that may arise and to ensure that all delegates feel comfortable and supported throughout the event.
Another important ethical consideration is promoting fairness and fairness in simulations. This includes creating a level playing field for all stakeholders and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to participate and contribute. It is important to set clear rules and procedures for simulations and ensure that they are applied consistently and fairly throughout the event. It is important to be transparent and honest with everyone involved, including participants, employees, sponsors and partners.This includes providing regular updates on progress and changes to plans, and being open to challenges and obstacles that may arise.

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