Feeding food to stray animals (Service)

I’ve been feeding stray animals as a CAS service. This is essential to me since these creatures are in need, and I enjoy assisting them. I’ve been doing this for a few weeks and it’s been a fantastic experience. I’ve met some wonderful creatures and been able to assist them. I am delighted to be able to assist these animals and hope to do so in the future. The LOs covered are as follows: (2,3,4,6,7).

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The problems were as follows: It is critical to research local laws and regulations regulating animal feeding. It is against the law in some locations to feed stray animals. It is critical to be aware of the dangers of feeding animals. It is possible to get diseases from animals, and it is also vital to be mindful of the possibility of aggressive behaviour. I’ve been learning new talents while feeding food to stray animals. I’ve been studying how to cook various types of food, how to correctly package food, and how to keep food so that it stays fresh.

LO3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

This activity required preparation because I needed to buy food specifically for the animals. After you’ve acquired the food, you’ll need to plan out a feeding schedule. This schedule should take into account the animals’ routines and behaviours, and then I picked a group of stray animals to feed, and then I prepared for waste disposal.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

CAS encounters Feeding stray animals is an excellent way to demonstrate your dedication to your community and those in need. It is also an excellent method to learn about the food chain and how to be self-sufficient. This experience can teach you to endure in the face of adversity and to be grateful for what you have.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

There are numerous worldwide challenges that we may address through our service efforts. One little way we can make a difference in the world is to feed stray animals. Feeding stray animals is a modest act of kindness that can make a great difference. Not only will the animals be fed, but they will also receive much-needed love and attention. This act of kindness can contribute to a more compassionate world.

LO7:Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

When we choose to feed stray animals, we must consider the potential consequences for the animals and the environment. Feeding stray animals can have a number of repercussions. For starters, it may cause those animals to become food-dependent and lose their ability to fend for themselves. Second, it may draw other animals to the area in search of food, perhaps leading to increased competition for resources and violence. Finally, if the food we supply is not nutritious or is not disposed of properly, it might cause environmental issues. This was all kept in mind while planning this experience.


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