Posting covers on Instagram.

Ever since I was a kid music has been my only area of interest and being a musician was all I ever wanted to be as I got older I started learning and started singing when people around me told me that I have a good singing voice and that I can actually sing. In grade 8, I posted my first singing acoustic cover on Instagram, my sister had forced me to do so, and ever since I kept posting once in 2 months or even once in a year. My experience of posting once a week, helped me become organized and stick to my words. Regular posting of songs and learning of new songs are very important for aspiring artists to maintain interaction and for them to be consistent. I have always had issues with being persistent with anything and following through with goals I have set for myself and hence as this was something that would help me understand where my interest lies, it was important for me to go through with it. Posting or even recording frequently helped me understand my strength, which is that I learn fast but I scrutinize myself very carefully. I also got a glimpse of the commitment it takes to become an artist, and how it actually would be if I was to take music seriously as a career. I also saw the change in my account statistics once I started posting frequently, seeing the activity on my videos and account increase, and also saw the change in myself and my self-confidence. There were some challenges along the way, because as I mentioned, me being a carefree and unorganized person, sometimes when I wanted to post a song cover and sat down to record it, I was never satisfied, I made several mistakes and there were days when I sat down for 1-2 hours recording song covers on my phone but never posted any of them, and lost the will to post, but I always recollected myself and tried again the next day. I also had to consider the ethics and repercussions of having to post my personal videos on the internet and to make sure that none of my song choices or singing methods are offensive to anyone. Hence, one of the main things I considered by covering songs was choosing songs without any ‘racial’ or ‘sexist’ slurs and songs with any explicit content in general, keeping my ethics as a teenager intact.


L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth,

 L4-commitment to and perseverance,

L7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


Also sometimes, instead of posting my singing videos as a video or reel, I added them to my Instagram stories, which can be viewed as a highlight on the account link posted above.

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