Experience 8 – Learning to Code | Creativity

I had chosed the subject of digital design when I was in grade 9 and 10. I have ever since fascinated about how mere lines of code can design a beatiful and appealing websites. Digging up more, I found out that there was more to it than it meets the eye. I decided to explore more into the coding field. I understood that there were several languages that can help different kinds of websites. In this activity, I learnt how to code and developed a messaging website on my own.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I had started learning to code in the begning of 11th grade. I started it of by learning to two most simple programming languages called HTML and CSS. Then I moved forward to learning Python and Java. These were the core languages that I used to create the webiste. This activity was long term, it takes a lot of time to learn and to master such languages. I t took me an entire year to learn and nearly a month to make the website. It would have been faster but with all the school assignments and the extremly complex nature of the activity, I did it at a slower pace.

Evidences of learning to code:

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