Cycling (activity)

Goal- every day cycling for at least 30 mins with keeping a phone to track steps while doing cycling which should complete minimum of 3,000 steps every day.

LO 1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

strengths- my strengths is that cycling is not a new skill I am doing cycling since my childhood and I know how to ride a cycle pretty well which is why I could not struggle in how to cycle or something like that. As I am a experienced cycle rider so I could also ride cycle on weekends outside of my society for more than 30 mins so it included crossing roads and passing the traffic all of that.

weakness- my weakness is my laziness towards doing a physical activity and that trait of mine has increased much more than before lockdown as lockdown has made me only sit and eat and ignore doing physical activity so my fitness has adversely affected which is why on first few days of my routine I felt tried and my hamstrings pumped only riding the cycle for 15 mins and then slowly and gradually I increased my timing and the pain of legs strat reducing as I started doing cycling again after such a big break because of lockdown.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process

cycling is not a unfamiliar experience for me while and extension in this experience was completing 3,000 steps every day which was unfamiliar for me because I had never in my life done cycling to complete 3,000 steps without stopping which was a challenge for me. Which is why when I took this challenge the first few days were difficult for me to overcome this challenge while then slowly I developed the stamina and I could easily acquire the challenge. While though this experience my speed and my confidence in cycling.

LO 3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

To make sure that I would able to complete the cycling challenge every day. I made a timetable of my daily routine and looking at the routine I added this experience taking up 30 mins of the routine, while first when I began to doing this activity I was bored just cycling around for 30 mins, then I thought that listening to songs while cycling could be interesting but after few time I was bored with that too so I asked my friend, who was also interested in cycling so we matched are timings and cycle together this was how I got my cycling partner and I smoothl completed my challenge without getting bored.

LO 4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

It was difficult to do daily cycling for 30 mins because I am a lazy person who do not like to do much physical activities so to push myself to do everyday cycling was very difficult first few weeks I actually skipped some days from this routine because I gave myself some or the other excuses to not do cycling but then I made sure by following it strictly where my mom also pushed me to do everyday cycling and motivated me to cycle everyday as it is for my own benefit.

learner profile –

Reflective- everyday when I completed my goal I actually went and questioned myself that how did I improved myself in doing cycling as every week I used to increase my time of cycling and steps also I checked my height to see every week how much height is growing every week to she my progress and also saw my weight.


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