
Badminton had always been a sport that I enjoyed playing. I chose this as an experience, to learn how to develop my skills in the sport and maintain my fitness everyday schedule 

Learning Outcome 1- Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth 

 Learning how to play the sport professionally with accurate rules, helped me realize the areas where I was lacking skills and knowledge about badminton. Playing for sessions helped me develop my weaknesses such as serving. Taking advice from my teammate also guided me in developing my skills in the sport and using it to my benefit in further matches. 

Learning Outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I took up this experience for a month. I played badminton almost every day and this helped me see the growth in my skill and performance. I was able to compare myself at the beginning of the experience and towards the end to see more strengths. 

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