
Kudo is a mixed martial art, I initiated going to kudo classes for 1.5 hours, 2 days a week. It helps maintain physical health and well being and requires proper practice to enhance skills and increase personal development. Certain skills like strength, stamina, endurance, coordination, motor skills and such qualities that further help improve physical tolerance and health.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Kudo requires a lot of self reflection and peer or teacher reflection (internal and external) to develop and be able to advance in this sport, enhancement is always required as to be able to apply this into a real life situation like self defence, improvement and strength will help protect oneself. For this, identifying strengths and weaknesses is very necessary as it also involves a lot of different skills like punches, kicks, elbow attacks, palm attacks, etc. Being aware of my strengths has helped me know what to use in real life when required, even in practice fights knowing my strengths has helped me beat my partner and knowing my weaknesses has helped me know areas of improvements and work on them better.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

It was difficult to maintain consistency in this activity as even though it was only two days a week, it required a lot of physical energy and strength which caused sore muscles in parts of the body that were worked upon, usually hands and legs that are required in everyday activities. Even though maintaining consistency was difficult due to sore muscles that usually lasted for more than 1-2 days, I did my best to attend all classes regardless of the pain in order to develop my skills and commit to the activity for proper practice and development.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This activity caters to the 5th sustainable development goal, gender equality in terms of sexual or physical violence or teasing, which still prevails and is an issue for women worldwide. To avoid that from happening, this goal can help me defend and protect myself or others if found in such a situation.

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