Being a part of the Organizing committe of FSMUN

A MUN Model United Nations is a setting in which participants gain hands-on experience with actual committees and go through the process of how an actual United Nations operates. After overcoming my stage fright and participating in a MUN, the idea of organizing a MUN piqued my interest. I wanted to get firsthand experiences from people behind the scenes, behind the final product, and to learn what is required. I’ve always enjoyed learning and developing new skills on a personal level, which allows me to grow and learn from experiences, as well as organising the entire event, which included budgeting, marketing related to decor, and assisting with event flow. I also had the opportunity to work alongside the core committee, where I served as the assistant to the Decor committee head. I’ve been fascinated by model United Nations and international relations since I was in high school. This conference is the best opportunity for me to share my knowledge with others.

I have participated in Model United Nations conferences throughout my school career, but this time, with FSMUN 9.0, I was able to obtain an opportunity to serve as part of the organising committee to serve people who would be attending the FSMUN 9.0 with amazing decor and help them navigate the event with ease, and I was quick to say yes.

Though challenges have been undertaken in developing new skills, as this was a student-led event, I had to go through a lot of things such as scheduling meetings with support staff, the transportation department, the finance team, and the graphics team, and there were also missing a lot of slots due to which learning loss was present, so I had to optimise every time by which I can get things done during school hours and also not miss by slots which were eventually done. The entire process greatly aided my personal and international development (LO 1 & 2).

We did face a number of challenges, ranging from internal team conflicts to working on large projects in incredibly short periods of time and managing to cover everything on a tight budget, all while dealing with the difficulties presented by the situation. We had a team of 40 people, including the CC and OC, so diving work with each person to be better collaborators, to handle stress effectively, especially as members of the decor preparing issue-specific decor for 8 committees, other ceremonies, and events, working the team to slowly construct an environment fit for learning while still remaining enjoyable for the delegates was crucial (LO 5).

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