8.Beach cleaning.service

Beaches provide protection to residents living near the ocean by acting as a buffer against the high winds and waves of powerful storms or rough seas. but if they are the ones which are polluted then how is it any good to us. some people don’t know their own responsibility as good citizens so instead of ignoring the fact that our beaches won’t be cleaned by themselves I and my friend went for weekends for a month so we can at least help to clean the beach. this CAS experience come under service as it does collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need. the beach my friend and I are going to be clean is dumas. it is a popular tourist destination in South Gujarat. Dumas Beach is justly famous for being in the top 35 haunted spots in India. Dumas beach is known for its black sand and is considered to be haunted because it was once used as a Hindu cremation site, according to folklore. So people like to go explore and have fun on the beach, people have picnics, eat bhajiya and much more beverages but never place them in the garbage can and leave materials like plastic, chips packet and much more, therefore, polluting the famous beach of surat. the learner profile attribute is CARING.


Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

there were many challenges undertaken but we overcame it. Litter can spread diseases, viruses, and parasites through two methods, direct and indirect contact. Germs can be transmitted directly by physically coming into contact with litter. This can happen by picking up, touching, or by accidentally injuring themselves on improperly disposed of trash so challenges such as hygiene so we wore gloves and masks to prevent any bacteria or anything spread to us and keep safety in mind. i developed skills like communication and thinking as we thought of dividing and picking an area with the most litter and then dividing it by half so collaborating.


Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

initiating and planning wasn’t the most difficult part as we had school on weekdays so the only time we would be free was weekends so we picked it and decided that it was a perfect time as we would be free and could initiate our CAS experience.


Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Having the commitment to achieve anything in life is important. there should also be perseverance as it correlates to commitment. we showed our commitment and perseverance towards cleaning the beach by not missing any weekend and cleaning the beach as any responsible citizen would.


Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively can make a task easier but it also depends on what task it is.For instance in cleaning the beach working collaboratively is the best as it can save time,energy and also clean the beach more.There are many benefits of working collaboratively, it can make a task fun also as doing something alone can be boring and draining also so always having someone to do with you can be fun and also a time saver.


Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

land and water pollution is a global issue as there are many people around the globe who pollute our land and water.littering on the beach does not only mean that the land gets polluted but when the ocean level increases and goes back down it also carries the waste with it therefore also polluting the ocean.for example-tides.so cleaning the beach will reduce some part of the global issue but there is always a start to something which leads to something greater.so cleaning the beach does show engagement with issues of global significance.


Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction so keeping that in mind me and my friend kept all ethics and actions at the top of the priority list such as making sure we were safe, wearing gloves, and cleaning the beach. cleaning some part of the beach is better than cleaning nothing at all so making sure we kept the beach clean whenever we so someone littering we told them not to do it and instead throw it in the garbage can. We also realized that not only the beach but also the roads are so polluted, there is waste like plastic and so much more just thrown which makes the road looks bad and is also consumed by animals, therefore, harming them. but polluting the beach can go a long way too as the tide takes the waste back with it into the ocean. the waste also includes plastic so jellyfish turtles also mistake polythenes for jellyfish and therefore eat it to survive but rather knowing that fake jellyfish is going to be the reason they can’t survive more.so all our actions have to be for the best.

here is me and my friend cleaning the dumas beach.

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