Working out in gym (Activity)

I committed to going to the gym for a year straight and I am continuing to do so. My goal was to lose weight and also to clear out mental fog. By regularly exercising and committing to a fitness routine, I have been able to improve my physical and mental health. I have been able to see progress in my fitness level and also noticed a positive change in my mood, energy level and focus. I have also learned the importance of consistency and discipline in achieving my goals. This activity has helped me to develop a healthier lifestyle and gain a better understanding of the connection between physical and mental well-being.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

my goal was to identify my own strengths and develop areas for growth in my physical fitness. One of my strengths was having a good starting level of fitness, but I lacked flexibility. To overcome this, I began incorporating proper muscle mobility training prior to my regular workout routine. This helped me to improve my flexibility and also prevented injuries. By regularly performing muscle mobility exercises, I was able to improve my range of motion and perform exercises with better form. This helped me to achieve a more balanced physical fitness and also helped me to develop new skills in injury prevention and muscle recovery.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

was in weight lifting, which required a lot of endurance. Initially, I was only going swimming to improve my stamina, but as I began lifting heavier weights, I realized that I needed to do more cardio in the gym to build my stamina. By incorporating cardio into my workout routine, I was able to build my endurance and lift heavier weights more efficiently. Another challenge I faced was staying disciplined to following a diet. It was hard for me to stick to a diet plan, but through trial and error, I was able to improve my diet and find the right balance of foods that worked for me. It is still a challenge for me to follow a strict diet, but I have made significant improvements in my eating habits and have seen positive changes in my overall fitness level.

LO4: Show commitment and Perseverance in CAS experiences

I have shown commitment and perseverance by continuing to go to the gym despite facing challenges and obstacles. There were days when I didn’t feel like going, but I suppressed those thoughts and still went. I found that even on days when I didn’t feel motivated, I still ended up enjoying my workout and feeling better after. This consistency and discipline has helped me to maintain my fitness level and achieve my goals. Additionally, I have continued to go to the gym, even after my one year commitment, showing a deep commitment and perseverance towards my physical fitness and overall well-being.

In conclusion, going to the gym for a year straight as part of my IBDP CAS Activity was a challenging but rewarding experience. I was able to identify my own strengths and develop areas for growth, such as flexibility and endurance. I also faced challenges in weightlifting and dieting, but was able to overcome them through commitment and perseverance. This experience has helped me to develop a healthier lifestyle and improve my physical and mental well-being. Even after my one-year commitment, I have continued to go to the gym, showing that I have developed a consistent and disciplined approach towards my fitness, which will have a positive impact on my life in the long run.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

reflecting on my choices and actions in the gym, I have always recognized and considered the ethics of my behavior. I have consistently adhered to the principles of safety, fairness, respect, and honesty, and have always created a positive and welcoming gym environment for all members. Specifically, I have always taken care to use equipment and facilities safely and responsibly, and have been mindful of others’ personal space and privacy. I have treated all gym members equally and without discrimination, and have never made derogatory remarks or engaged in inappropriate behavior.

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