Meditation (A)

During my grade 11 from IB board, I took a lot of stress of exams and assessments and could not take out time for myself. As of then, I started practicing meditation everyday to keep myself clam and less stressful. Meditation helped me clam my mind from thought and also enabled me to sleep peacefully at night. To not disturb my daily routine, I thought of practicing meditation when I am free which would be very convenient for me.

LO 1 is Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth. My strength was that I did not disturb my daily schedule which enabled me to not give up this kept me committed and not give up. This helped me to not overthink about studies and other on going burden and change my mindset to look for solutions.

LO 2 is Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. The biggest challenge was to seat for hours while meditation. Initially, I would give-up within minutes as I used to get bored or would started thinking about studies. But now after practicing for almost 2 months, I am able to seat for at least 30 mins. Moreover, this has changed my life and would keep continues this for years.

LO 4 is Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. Youtube has helped me understand the benefits of meditation. initially, while practicing meditation I used to think that this all is just a time waste and would not continue, though now after at least 2 month I do know that meditation actually works. There were a lot of ups and downs and I did quit a lot of times. After quitting thousands of times and then again practicing meditation, I understand that this is a long term practice.

Through this activity I have gained a lot of control upon myself and have stopped overthink about studies. Meditation has definitely worked for me after a lot of ups and downs in the process.

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