Learning Self-Defense (KickBoxing) (Activity)

Kickboxing is a combination· of stand-up combat· sports and a form· of punching and kicking. I used to take· taekwondo classes when I was young·, and this sparked my interest· in Martial Arts, and after 8 years· I’m finally able to learn· kickboxing (A hybrid form· of martial arts) . Kickboxing is also an excellent way· to defend· against the attacker· with bare· hands·, Kickboxing will help· me to predict· the attacker’s attacks(punches and kicks) and with the help· of techniques I have· learnt in kickboxing, I will be· able to defend· myself.

L 1: Identify own strengths and develop· areas for growth·

The strength· that I found out in myself after a few classes of KickBoxing was that I was able to maintain· the intensity· throughout the class· , this helped me to complete· the workout circuit· well before time· . I was also easily able to grasp· the new kicks and punches my trainer taught me , This again helped me to accelerate· my learning . I identified strength· as my weakness· , My punches were loose· and my kicks were slow· . in order· to improve· my strength· , my personal trainer came up with a plan· to increase· my strength· with the help· of Cross-Fit Training , CrossFit training involves muscle· multiple muscle· groups and exercises are designed similar to the task· done every day . Cross-Fit training helped me develop· strength· and by the end· of fifteen days my kicks and punches were more accurate· , and tight· , and I could deliver· with great· speed .

L 2: Demonstrate that challenges have· been undertaken, developing new skills

I was completely new to kickboxing , I had to learn· the basics first· . Kickboxing requires great· endurance· to maintain· the speed of the kicks and punches and also to fuel· my body· to continuously move·. In the start· my endurance· was weak· I first· had to build up my endurance· with the help· of regular· cardio sessions. I also was not flexible· around the legs the kicks did not reach· high·, My trainer recommended regular· stretching before and after the cardio session. I could see· a visible increase· in the height· of my kicks and having greater flexibility also increased the speed of kicks and decreased the chances of injuries such as muscle· tears·, and joint and bone· problems.

L 4: Show commitment· to and perseverance· in CAS experiences

going kickboxing in the morning was often difficult for me as I felt I had no energy· and many times thought of skipping the sessions, but I showed commitment· and still showed up for the practice· session and the consistency helped me develop· my Kickboxing kicks and punches. showing commitment· also helped me to stick· to my daily tasks · and made it easier to show· commitment· in other day to day activity· , showing commitment· also helped me decrease· the procrastination.

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