working out(Activity CAS)

This is the 30-day workout challenge that I did.

Every day I wake up 1 hour early than I used to for school for this workout and waking up early means I have time to prepare a healthy breakfast for myself. I mostly used to have eggs and toast or a smoothie bowl for my breakfast.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I found that planks and crunches were not that difficult for me, but pushups and situps were a bit of a task, doing these exercises every day I realized that my posture was not correct and that while doing these heavy exercises having a correct posture is the most important thing otherwise you will hurt, I think that planks and crunches were my strengths and I have to improve my pushups and situps.

lo2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The challenge I found during these 30 days was to show commitment to my new schedule, I had days when I wanted to skip the workouts, I was lazy, or I just wanted to sleep in, The skill that I learned other than those exercises was to just get up.’Getting up ‘ solves 90 percent of your problems.

lo3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

you would be saying that “Vama you are just working out, what’s in that to plan?” To this, I would be saying that with IB and our busy schedules, It is very difficult to commit to a thing and to complete this workout challenge I had to plan my day the night before because someday you sleep late because you have to stay up late because of schoolwork or something.

lo4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

It is a 30-day challenge and to finish its commitment is a must. If I skipped the exercise for even one day I had to start again from the beginning

lo7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

We all know how important exercises and workouts are in our lifestyle, but still, we don’t include them in our routines, either by choice, or lack of motivation, or not having time. But this challenge pushed me to move my body.

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