Learning An Instrument(Guitar)

I have always been wanting to learn a new instrument but I didn’t really had the commitment to learn something from scratch all the way as learning guitar is a never ending process, you can never perfect an instrument like guitar and there is also room for improvement no matter how experienced you are. So I decided to learn basics of an instrument in my summer vacations as that is the only time I could really give my 100% to it.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.
I was able to identify my inadequacies with the help of YouTube. since I was just starting out at the time. On the other hand, I also recognized my weakness, my hand synchronization and movement, which prevented me from playing more than half of the songs and tunes, was also preventing me from progressing. I have made a commitment to work on it and learn more about it in consideration of the time, effort, and dedication I have demonstrated throughout.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
I found it quite challenging to play fast songs and for long periods of time at first. I could only play guitar for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time, which was less than other novices. Then, to address this issue, I continued to play even when I experienced cramps or swollen fingers. This allowed me to heal faster and get back into the habit of playing the guitar for extended periods of time.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance.
When Covid-19 happened, I had to demonstrate persistence and commitment because I was unable to attend my music lessons outside and missed my practice sessions. I purchased a guitar to practice with at home. But even with the guitar, I was unable to do so on a daily basis due to the amount of schoolwork I had to complete. I made an effort, though, to devote an hour a day to playing the guitar. Even though I would sometimes be really busy all day, I would practice late at night for at least an hour, which really helped me progress.

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