FS Corridors (C)

Timeline: August 13, 2022 – September 9, 2022

In this experience, I worked for the school newspaper, ‘FS Corridors’ by contributing my writing skills. Meetings were held at the beginning of this club. However, since I joined the club late I couldn’t attend those meetings. But, I gathered all the information that I had and started writing my article. During this CAS experience, I demonstrated the following Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Commitment and perseverance were very important in this CAS experience because, although we were given an ample amount of time to write our articles, we had to motivate ourselves to write the article. Because the tasks were very personalized, it was very important to adhere to the deadlines given without anyone nagging us to complete our articles. I understood this at the beginning of this experience and dedicated half an hour every day to researching about the article and writing it. According to this plan, I would have finished writing my article way before the deadline and would also have had a lot of time to edit my draft for some errors. However, I had surprisingly finished way earlier than planned due to my full commitment to this article in those 30 minutes. I feel like it’s important to show commitment and perseverance because in life no one will be telling us to do the tiny regular things, and we will need to remind ourselves about that or make a plan to dedicate some time every day to that particular task.

Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Through this CAS experience, I was able to demonstrate my engagement with issues of global significance. Firstly, I had the opportunity to talk about a significant topic like kidnapping and sexual abuse. Even though people in the world are now more aware of these problems, I feel like it was necessary to add an article about such a topic in a school newspaper because I feel like it was important to let our students know about such incidents that keep happening around us. Additionally, I specifically chose this incident because I believe that a lot of students think that such incidents of kidnapping and sexual abuse occur dominantly in their own countries. However, I wanted to show them that there are other places where this occurs, and that everybody needs to stay safe in such environments.

Learning Outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Writing is a very tricky task if thought about from a different perspective. This is because no author wants their articles to hurt anyone’s sentiments or make a stereotypical statement about anyone’s country or ethnic group. Additionally, for writing an article academic honesty and plagiarism do come into consideration. For this, I decided to read a variety of articles, and then, I decided to write my article on my own without any quotes to avoid any kind of plagiarism. Therefore, it was a very precarious task, but I believe that I tried my best to consider the ethics and choices of my actions and consequently changed my work.

Firstly, in this experience, I developed as an inquirer. I developed my skills for inquiry and research. I also researched independently for the article that I wrote. I also found out that I learn with enthusiasm. Secondly, I also tried to improve as a communicator. This improvement has two aspects. In my article, I had to communicate with the audience in a balanced and formal way and also in a way to grab the audience’s attention. The other aspect of communication was with the members of the group and also with the leaders.

Link to the article: https://corridors.herokuapp.com/section/events

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