Cleaning the Beach

Knowing that there are several beaches in Surat and out of them the most popular ones are run and handled by government, there are numerous other beaches located at isolated places which are not much popular which is why people throw enormous amounts of garbage which does not even get cleaned. We knew that those amounts of garbage is a major contributor to pollution and global warming. Additionally, any trash that goes away with the waves in the sea, can harm the fishes as well. Taking this as a CAS experience gave me an opportunity to do my part in reducing land pollution. All the garbage that was collected was then disposed or recycled back.

LO3: As I got to know a remotely located beach in the outskirts of Surat, I visited it and found out about the garbage it had all over the place. When I met up with my friends, we discussed what can be done in this situation and took this service as a CAS experience. We planned the whole schedule with the dates we wished to complete this task on and from where we were going to start picking up the trash. We also planned how we were going to dispose or recycle the trash and finally initiated the whole plan. The initiation of the plan was actually difficult as once we reached the location, we thought that it was too much work and there were heaps of garbage to clean. But we kept ourselves motivated so we could finish the task and achieve our goal as soon as possible. Organization skills played a major role in the planning and initiation part of the task as that helped me to perform the task as neatly and smoothly as possible. It also helped in completion of the task on time with the achieved goal. Planning and initiation of these type of tasks are very important to master as that is what runs the task and it allows the activity to run as smoothly as possible.

LO5: Working with people makes almost every task easy because the task can be divided between people and those people can provide many different views on the task which can increase efficiency. During this activity, having friends helps a lot in covering a larger amount of land filled with garbage. Working with people made the completion of task more efficient and the goal was achieved faster than expected. Working collaboratively is very important in these type of activities as the task is divided and specific parts are dependent on an individual. Collaboration also plays an important role in the quality of final outcome of any activity which in this case, was very good and fruitful. We were able to collect heaps of garbage in small amount of time.

LO6: The beach we went to was near a small township where workers lived. Looking at garbage around them made me feel bad because it could potentially affect their health. Furthermore, the garbage is already bad for the environment and also has the capacity to affect the aquatic animals and their habitat. These issues surround the globe and are extremely important to look into as they have the potential to destroy marine life and and contribute highly to global warming through land pollution. I took this as an experience as I felt bad that I do not have my contribution to help the cause knowing its repercussions.

LO7: The activity’s purpose was to solve a major global and ethical issue that has been going around the planet. One ethical issue that arose during the activity was that I were to complete this with a group of my friends at covid period. Although it did not affect us that much, we were concerned about it and hygiene issues that might have come up because of the cleaning. Personally, I somewhat ignored the issue as the activity was to help solve a bigger, more global problem hence we wore gloves and masks; continued and finished the activity.

To conclude, the experience was very fruitful. We were able to clean most of the beach and dispose/recycle the garbage we collected. This also helped the people living near/on the beach as their work was reduced and they were able to enjoy the clean beach. The most satisfying part of the experience was seeing the beach as a whole after it go cleaned up which also signified our success at completing the task.

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