CAS Reflection_ Planting

In the 21st century, we humans have passed many of the difficulties by developing the world with technology and knowledge, and also we have done unbelievable things like sending satellites to mars and even far from it, found the deepest point on earth till climbing up to the top of Mount Everest. But coming back to the point we have not only done the unbelievable adventures but also we harmed the earth a lot like the invention of petrol and diesel cars has let earth into carbon emission also the same thing with factories, we are not finding alternative methods to reduce carbon which destroys environment but also we have helping in more destruction by cutting down of trees and forests for commercial lands, agricultural lands and also cutting down trees for medical and personal use. These all things have impacted a lot on our environment. So after looking at these issues I have decided to do the planting of different varieties of plants on my terrace. To date, I have planted more than 30 plants according to their growing seasons which eventually helped in freshening the air and giving a home to small creatures who live inside soil like – earthworms. 

LO 3 – I have made a plan to water the plants every day. My plan was about giving water to plants one day after the other basis so like if today I have watered the plants then tomorrow I will not give water because the if I will give water on a regular basis then the soil would not be able to store the water and the water will leak out of pots along with the nutrients from the soil. And on Saturdays and Sundays, I used to give fertilizers to the soil so it gets nourished and helps in the proper growth of plants.

LO 4 – As I mentioned above I was engaged in this experience one day after another basis and this gave me an active engagement in CAS.

LO 6 – Through this experience, I’m taking action regarding climate change at the local level, as it is on my apartment terrace. Yes but through this experience, I’m finding an alternative way to keep myself engaged in my free time to reduce a small amount of pollution and give a kick to sustainability. 

LO 7 – We can observe from the current scenario that the rate of pollution has exceeded its limits and we humans have destroyed the forests and exploited the natural resources to an extent from which they can’t be produced again. So it’s high time now, we should have to take action regarding climate change. So I have selected plating as my experience to show some care towards their destruction and to know more about the global pollution rate affecting the environment. 

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