Guitar (Creativity)

Music is something I’ve adored my whole life. Growing up, I always used to go to different classes and try new things but I never got to learn a musical instrument. This experience gave me an opportunity to enroll in guitar lessons and learn something that I’ve always wanted to. I was able to acquire new skills, grow as a person and enjoy music on my own.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my strengths is that I am a quick learner so I was able to grasp the concept of notes and chords easily. Along with that, my commitment to the experience was also a strength as it acted as a driving force for me to learn something I’ve always desired to. However, patience is something I struggle with. Learning a musical instrument is not easy and it requires a lot of patience and practice to perfect a song. To work on this, I would learn something new about guitar every class along with my song to validate my progress and improve my patience.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I’ve never had any experience in music before so I found guitar difficult because it was extremely new to me. As mentioned before, patience is something that was challenging for me in the process of learning guitar. In the beginning, when things didn’t go as planned I felt like giving up. It took me a while to progress from practicing chords to playing an actual song, but I was determined since I wanted to achieve my goal. I learned how to be patient and gained more confidence in my performance over time without resigning.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Learning guitar was tedious and time-consuming but I persevered because I knew the outcome would be wonderful. I occasionally had to skip lessons in school because of assignments and examinations, but even after that, my commitment to going to class consistently helped me become a better guitar player.

In conclusion, playing guitar has been a challenging journey, but my perseverance has helped me reach the finish line. Furthermore, learning this new art has improved my skills, and that is ultimately what matters.


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