CAS – Anand Utsav

Anand utsav was an event organised to felicitate and appreciate the support staff in our school. It was held and organised by 12th graders and I was a part of this event as a volunteer.

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

We were supposed to be assigned the stalls were we were asked to make the support staff play games or some activity, I was given the stall were they were supposed to play a game and I was responsible to explain the game to them because I am fairly good at communicating. So I used my strength to make them understand the game and even make them play.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I had been a part of organising committees for around 2-3 events around that time, so collaborating with others and working together didn’t pose as a problem. Although, there were about 30 of us so at one time, it did become difficult to communicate effectively, and because we were so many people working collaboratively was vital (and also so that things run smoothly).

LO 7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Usually it is the other way around, they help us and now it was our moral duty to return to then what they have done for us all these years. Seeing them look so happy and elated, dancing, playing , laughing induced a sense of satisfaction and made me believe that giving back to the people that help us is truly vital.

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