CAS – Tree Plantation

Trees are an essential aspect of our ecosystem which aids our survival and protects us from natural disasters such as floods or thunderstorms. Thus in order to contribute to nature, I planted trees in a municipality school in my city in order to make the place closer to nature as well as make it look good. Tree plantation has a lot of benefits such as promoting physical and mental health for urban residents, providing oxygen, cooling down hot temperatures, etc. Trees not only benefit us but also other living things such as birds, who can establish their homes in trees. Taking into account all these benefits that trees provide and their important role in our life, I decided to do this activity as part of my CAS.

LO2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process)

During this CAS experience, I faced a challenge in the plantation of trees into the soil in a proper way so as to not damage the tree and make it grow appropriately. While I had minimal gardening experience, I tried my level best to plant the tree in the right spot with enough sunlight and soil to make it grow. While planting I took help from an experienced individual who guided me to the perfect spot for the tree and also told me how to place it properly in the soil. This helped me develop the skill of gardening to a little extent. This skill would be useful in the future if I were to develop a garden or plant trees for decoration purposes. 

LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

During this CAS experience, I demonstrated the attributes of commitment toward my experience by getting out of my comfort zone and planting trees in an unknown place. For this, I experienced new skills that I was unaware of and learned them so I could successfully accomplish this experience. Also during my tree plantation, I met with other people who were also doing the same thing, thus we collaboratively planted trees in that area to help the environment. What made the activity difficult was the lack of experience on the plantation that was faced collectively, however, we planned our way forward and took help from experienced people so that we could achieve our goal. Our commitment to nature helped us accomplish our goal.

LO6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance)

 Climate change led by deforestation and urbanization is a huge issue of global significance that can impact a lot of lives due to changes in the weather patterns and no protection against natural disasters. Thus in order to combat this issue, I had taken the initiative to plant trees in the urban landscapes to help the environment. Planting trees in municipality school would not only help nature but would also raise awareness regarding the importance of trees to the students attending that school which would further create informed citizens, who would be able to positively impact our world. Climate change can only be dealt with by our actions and thus these small actions such as planting trees can act as a stepping stone toward our battle against climate change.

In conclusion, This experience has enabled me to gain an understanding regarding skills of gardening and also helped me develop learner profiles such as caring, highlighting my interest in the protection of natural environments. Similarly, I also developed creative skills and self-management skills while undergoing this CAS experience by learning and implementing my knowledge of gardening and nature.

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