FSMUN experience.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During these past few months, and since I chose ‘global politics’ as a subject my interest in the global field, regarding global issues and events have grown tenfold and I was pondering to go to a liberal arts university to explore more about politics and the global issue and hence when I heard about the MUN taking place in our school I knew that I had to sign up for it, I did hesitate a lot, as it was my first MUN and public speaking has never been my strong suit but after my family members and friends forcing me to sign up, I did.

LO 1
Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

This MUN helped me recognize several of my strengths and weaknesses. I had always thought that public speaking is one of my weaknesses, but I discovered that confidence was the problem and not my communication skills and that if I spoke with enough confidence I was able to speak up and make my point. As there were 2 days for the MUN, I was able to explore and listen more on the first day and learn a lot about how a MUN works on the 1st day, which helped me prepare for the next day. One of the most challenging things was preparing for the debate, as MUNs are very formal and a certain set of rules are supposed to be followed and you need to be very prepared with your research to be able to speak up and for that my research skills were put to great use, making sure to use a trusted source for information was also a great hurdle because several different sites give different data and making sure that the site we were using was reliable.

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Committing to things has never been my strong forte, and I thought that this would prove to be a challenge but throughout I understood that if I really wanted to I am able to commit to things which I am interested in, which I was able to do for this MUN because it aligned with my interests. The whole point of a MUN is to be able to adhere to events and issues of global significance and the agenda for the committee I had chosen was ‘Afghan Crisis’, an issue which is directly connected to today’s world and is still very relevant and hence it was a very interesting topic to discuss. I gained so much knowledge about the situation in Afghanistan and also understood it from a perspective of a global citizen and not only as an Indian citizen. All in all, the whole MUN experience was a very insightful one and I am so glad that I pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and take part in it.

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