4. learning how to cook food.creativity

My purpose for selecting this CAS experience is that I have had an interest in cooking for the past 4 to 5 years but I was not home for 3 years because I went away from home to study. which made me realize that I should know how to cook as it is one of the most important things in life as I can be self-dependent. also in the near future I will be again going away from home to study so I will l have to cook myself so cooking food will be the most important thing for me. So that’s the reason I have come up with this CAS experience. So I started with learning the basics such as making tea then I went further on how to make Rotis. after learning how to make Rotis I went on further and learned how to make a vegetable .this CAS experience comes under creativity as it is exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance.

the learning outcomes for this were Lo-2,5,7. learning outcome number 2 was to Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. so there were many challenges that were undertaken such as remembering how much and what kind of ingredients to put in the tea and the vegetable. I was also scared of getting a burn or cutting my finger throughout the process of cooking. I developed a new skill in the process which was presenting the food which comes under creativity as the food could taste good but if the presentation wasn’t good it wouldn’t be fun as 1st impression is the last impression.

learning outcome number 5 was to Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. so I had worked collaboratively with my mother and realized many benefits throughout the journey of learning how to cook food. she would help me not hurt myself but also teach me how to cook better than anyone else if I would have gone and watched a video it wouldn’t be as helpful as my mother helping me out to learn this new skill. this skill made me realize that everyone in the household should know how to cook not only the females.

learning outcome number 7 was to Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. So, I considered and recognized the ethics of choice and actions I was taking before doing anything in the kitchen. because if I did anything wrong in the kitchen it could hurt me and also cause a lot of damage to the house. I had stayed under my mom’s supervision for cooking the Rotis and the vegetables but I had gotten permission to make the tea alone. I had taken every action carefully which would not allow me to waste the food or either hurting myself.

the learner profile attribute for this CAS experience was a thinker as I used a lot of creative thinking skills and thinking skills throughout the experience like how much salt, sugar, spices, and much more to put in the food I was cooking and also creativity on how how to make the Rotis look circle and presenting the food onto the plate. I had to make proper decisions throughout cooking to avoid any problems and not waste any food. I did face problems at the start but I got used to it over time.

the conclusion of this CAS experience is that it is going to be very beneficial to me in the future as I am going to go away from my family for my studies which means I will be staying by myself. Also learning how to cook was not an easy task and I am still not perfect at it.

here are some pictures of me making Rotis and tea.

me mashing ginger to put inside the tea.
me flipping the roti to cook the other side.

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