Experience 5 – Learning to Sketch and Draw | Creativity

My mother runs a drawing class for nearly four to five years. I have always been inclined towards trying to learn to draw and color, however, have never found the motivation to do so. CAS experience gave me an opportunity to grab a pencil and a few crayons and start learning. I was pretty fast at learning, so after a few months, I could draw a majority of artworks with perfection and without assistance. Even though I could not use my own creativity and draw an artwork from scratch, I used to take images from the internet and try and draw them.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

To draw a fine artwork was not an effort of a few hours, It would take days and days to complete so. It required a lot of patience, which was hard for me to have. Sitting two to three hours every day for three to four days would accomplish one fine piece of drawing. It was hard for me to sit in one place for so long and work. While doing so not only did I develop my patience, but I also developed my fine motor skills, that is performing activities that require efficient use of small muscles.

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

It was very important for me to make a plan to complete the CAS experience. I freed up all the time slots from my week for when my mother used to conduct a class. I made sure I did not skip any of the classes and wanted to have at least ten self-done drawings by the end of six months. Those six months include the time period to learn the basics of drawing too. After six months, I successfully completed fourteen drawings and accomplished my goal for the experience. Now, I often sit in weekend classes with my mother to draw.

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