Fitness (yoga and exercise)

As a part of “Activity”, I decided to do yoga or any short exercise in the morning to stay physically fit and relaxed. I began to do yoga early in the morning because I often felt drowsy after waking up early for school so I tried doing yoga in the morning as it helps to stay active and focused throughout the day. Also, my father was a Yoga instructor in the Art of Living (AOL) foundation in his youth so he knew a lot of different asanas and meditation techniques that helped to cover and balance physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Apart from yoga, I also searched a few exercises online to build proper body shape. Hence, through my experience of fitness, I did not only start to feel physically fit but also mentally refreshed so I continued with doing yoga, Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation) and a few exercises for better health.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth

As my father taught me several asanas, my body couldn’t cope with them easily, (weakness) however, I realized that it was convenient and flexible for me to do Surya Namaskar every day. (Strength) To add on, I have learned that I really need to push myself to be consistent as I skipped many days of doing yoga and I also have to be strong-willed to accept and endure all the pain that comes from various yoga poses and exercises. I developed the learner profile “balanced” through this activity by being able to bring a balance between my physical life and academics.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Initially, I struggled a lot to manage and take out time for Yoga as I couldn’t wake up early but I gradually overcame this challenge by waking up early and giving time to my body and mind. Furthermore, I developed time-management skills by taking out time for physical activity and not hampering my normal routine as well.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

As I mentioned before, it was clearly difficult for me to stay committed to physical activities because of laziness and lack of time management. This was evident when sometimes I woke up early and did intense physical activity but from the next day, I failed and then again regained some energy after a few days to push myself towards fitness.

Lastly, I did yoga in an open environment to take in clean air in the morning, gain more energy, increase performance and build a deep connection with nature.


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