Crumple Event (Service and Activity)

Crumple was one of those events whereby volunteering for the event I was taking up an initiative in recycling the used paper. It was a small step taken against the deforestation and misuse of paper done by us as well. The project showed us how can we reuse paper with a very simple, easy, and affordable method and help the environment. The papers that we recycled again were then given to NGOs for further use, this event didn’t only inspire me but motivated and encourage others to try it and save plants for the betterment of our future.

Learning Outcomes achieved:

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Initially, when the project in charge was giving us instructions and showing us how are we supposed to do the process it seemed very easy but when it came to doing it by ourselves there were a few technical processes we need to be careful of mainly when it came to placing the paper out from the net and onto the cloth it was very difficult cause even a droplet of water can affect the surface and texture of the paper, therefore, we needed to be very careful. 

LO 4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

We as volunteers needed to show commitment and a sense of responsibility as we were willing to show interest, and our action would not only help us reflect on ourselves but would affect others and create an impact on the environment as well, So showing commitment was a major factor that played a role in the result that e would earn in the end. 

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

after making the paper I realized that the project was very time consuming and as it required physical labor the speed of the process would be slow in comparison to machines as we were required to wait for the paper to dry by itself hence working as a team and with a large number of efforts provided by the handlers and the volunteers resulted in the recycling of a lot of papers and it also helped in creating significant change, by working collaboratively in a group crumple was able to make more than 700 recycled sheets of paper read to be reused again.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Climate change and pollutions are issues that right now people are facing globally and which affect our environment on a really large scale. This project helped me to be responsible for my past actions where I might have been a part of a group of people where I have misused paper as the facility that I was provided with and it allowed me to step up to the plate for my actions and helped me be a part of an action where we didn’t cut down on trees nor using chemicals and produced an eco-friendly paper which positively contributes to our environment. 

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

the decision of wasting paper, misusing paper, demanding high amounts of paper, and recycling them has left both positive and negative impacts on the environment. In India, only 30 % of the land is degraded which has not been affecting our climate and are resulting in rising of the earth’s temp. This may not be a project that might create a change on a larger scale but it can start a better cause as it has created a lot of awareness and has motivated people to look out for their actions and help support this cause. It was my pleasure to be able to be a part of this eco-friendly project for the betterment of our society.

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