Beach Cleaning

Description of the particular experience and goals:

Beach Cleaning is an activity that includes going to the beach and picking up solid litters like plastic bags, food wrappers and more that are deposited by tourists, locals or anyone else. For this experience, I went to 3 different beaches cleaning trips on different beaches in Surat. I did this experience since I am passionate about improving the environment.

Learning Outcomes I have catered during this experience:

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I was always passionate about the environment and wanted to take action to improve it which is why I initiated and planned this CAS experience. Even though it is on a local level, I took charge because taking care of the environment is something that I believe in. Initiating this experience was not difficult for me since I have the ability to produce creative ideas and the leadership skills to conduct them. However, planning took some time since I invited other people to work with me so I had to manage the timings, the dates, safety and more. Initiating and planning such experiences in the future will be easy for me because now I know what the process is like. I think that it is important to learn how to initiate and plan so that you can take action for things you believe in without anyone’s support. 

Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The issues that I focused on while conducting this CAS experience were pollution and lack of cleanliness. These issues are seen all across the planet. Littering is harming the environment by producing greenhouse gasses that lead to global warming, by polluting drinkable water and spreading diseases in animals and people. I have been learning about these issues since I was in 6th grade hence I have a deep understanding of them. I finally decided to take action to help eradicate these issues and promote sustainability. The knowledge of these issues has helped my personal development since I understand the severity and do not litter around like I used to as a kid. It encouraged me to change my bad habit. I am glad that I decided to initiate this CAS experience to spread awareness about such issues in the environment. 

Learning Outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I understood my role in the society as a citizen and believer of global sustainability and took action on the issues related to the environment. I made the choice of initiating this experience so that it could inspire others and help improve the environment. I noticed that the beach was quite dirty and that made me realize how each and every action taken by an individual matters. I understood that choices as small as throwing garbage in the dustbin instead of the ground also matter and make an impact on the environment. 

Final Takeaway

Beach Cleaning helped me understand the severity of the issues in our environment and how we need to take action to eradicate them. This opportunity was also beneficial for my personal growth since it taught me how to initiate and plan experiences. I developed the learner profile attribute caring as I initiated this experience since I cared for the environment. In conclusion, this experience was beneficial for me and the environment.

Evidence of Beach Cleaning

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