We need food to live which could be obtained from various plants and trees. Even though this could be obtained from a local market or farm But took an initiative by growing different vegetable plants by my efforts. I was interested to know the concept behind growing different plants as it’s something new and unique to know about. Through CAS experience now I can step ahead and fulfill this interest of mine gaining knowledge from it.

Growing plants was a huge success, and I’m very proud of myself for completing this task. This was a fantastic achievement and a fun task for me to complete. I discovered that I am interested in growing more plants in the future and consuming all of the organic and healthy food that I produce.

Learning outcome 2: At the beginning, I faced many challenges as I was not having a single basic about how to grow plants and what steps are necessary to be followed for the plant to grow properly. So I had to learn everything from my gardener at my farm and through all this learning I finally started growing different vegetables on my own and tried to earn the best result possible out of it. Moreover, due to this I also realized how hard is it for farmers to work all day earning some money through this.

learning outcome 3: while beginning this experience, it was really hard for me to organize a specific time as I was having to devote more of my time towards studies and this was the second priority but at last, it took me 2 continuous complete days for me to grow this follow things. So planning when to grow was a question at first but I managed my timings and devoted my time to cas experience.

Learning outcome 4: To be honest, I thought of quitting this task on the first day because it took me a lot of effort and was tiring and boring when started but I realized to stay stuck to my commitment to grow vegetables and fruits successfully. So through this even though of all those struggles I, at last, grew vegetables like “ladyfinger, corn, chilies, potatoes, carrot, bottle gourd, and Sponge Gourd” through this experience.

To conclude, this cas experience of learning to grow vegetables was really fun and interesting and also took a lot of effort from me which made me realize the condition the farmers must be going through on a daily basis to earn money. Overall this was something new and unique to learn and a great activity.

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