Cow Feeding – Service

I started a cow feeding experience for my CAS project. I went to the cowshed where I fed them bottle guard also known as a calabash.

I learned LO 1 in which I identified strengths and weaknesses. My strength was that I took care of animals, I fed them food. And my weakness is that I was a bit scared at that time because I have a problem with bovinophobia which means the fear of cows. I tried overcoming while keeping the food in front of the cow’s mouth. I feel bad because I know I can overcome it and currently I am unable to do it. It is important for us to know our strengths and weaknesses as it shows our abilities of ourselves. Weaknesses are also important because it shows growth, growth means where we need to improve for excellence.

I also showcased LO 2. I faced challenges when feeding bottle guards to cows as I am scared of cows I wasn’t able to feed directly to the mouth. I kept near the cow’s mouth and then the cow ate the bottle guard cut pieces. I have done a similar thing before, I fed biscuits to dogs and milk to the cats. I feel proud that I at least overcame a bit of bovinophobia. It is important for me to undertake this challenge as I want to overcome bovinophobia.

The third learning outcome (LO 6), is global significance. To feed cows is a social responsibility as there’s no one to take care of animals. Many cows die each year for not getting food. Being an Indian, the cow is worshipped here and believed as the mother of all animals. So looking towards global significance I feel that feeding animals are a social responsibility which I have learned in my CAS experience and every human should follow this humanity. This also helps in personal growth because humanity and emotions inside us make us feel happy and this could help psychologically. The CAS experience made me aware of the global issue that no one takes care of animals, and when I am doing this social work I feel to be very proud human because it shows humanity.

The last learning outcome (LO 7), is ethical issues. Being human, it is our ethics and morals that we should take care of our nature, which also includes animals. Animals are dying because they don’t get food. When we provide food to them then it is our pride, our love towards nature, and our humanity to it. Many people give cows plastic which can kill a cow and that’s a very unethical thing, that is why to provide good food and to save animal lives I did the cow feeding. This issue made me feel a bit sad and emotional because there are lakhs and crores of animals dying each year due to not having food. This made me feel emotional and that is why I provided food to cows. My opinion on providing food to animals has always stayed the same because we need to save our nature.

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